Evangelism Cube

I had only been in the country for a few hours. Jet lagged, excited, exhausted, and a bit nervous about how this mission trip might go, I sat in a cafe fidgeting with an Evangelism Cube while my friend ordered coffee.

A young man asked what I was playing with...and I showed him the cube. Some people think it's a puzzle, like some sort of Rubik's Cube. I handed it over to him and let him turn it over in his hands while I explained the images on the cube. There are seven pictures that simply and clearly unfold the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I explained how the pictures on the cube show the separation of man from God and progressively open to reveal Christ's death on the cross, the tomb, Christ's resurrection, heaven, and hell, as well as the followers of Christ.

He turned the Evangelism Cube over in his hands while I explained what the images meant. My friend soon returned with coffee. The young man gave me back my Evangelism Cube and wished me a nice day.

My mission trip had not even officially started, and for a couple of minute in that cafe, I had already had a chance to share the Gospel in a purely conversational way. The best part? The young man had asked ME to share what I had been holding in my hand…I didn't have to flag him down, knock on his door, or convince him to listen to me share the story of Jesus. Instead, the Evangelism Cube provided a natural curiosity that initiated a simple, authentic way to teach about the basic components of my faith.

What is an Evangelism Cube?

Evangelism Cube

An Evangelism Cube is a three-dimensional tool used to explain the basic tenants of the Gospel. Each image is revealed as you open the cube, allowing you to have an easy visual while explaining the core truths of Christianity.

Who uses an Evangelism Cube?

Any person that is looking for a fun and easy way to explain the Gospel could use an Evangelism Cube. They are a popular choice for Sunday School Teachers to explain anchor tenants of faith to their young students easily. Children gravitate towards the images and can appreciate and retell the stories without printed words on the Evangelism Cube.
I have found Evangelism Cubes to be especially helpful while on mission trips where the intent is to share the Gospel.

Like the young man in the cafe, the Evangelism Cube is an easy conversation starter. People are curious and want to see what it is; they want to hold it or ask me to show them how it works. I love it because the Evangelism Cube gives me a novel way of sharing the Gospel.

When a person is curious about the Evangelism cube, I can share Jesus in a very natural and authentic way.

I'm convinced that if an Evangelism cube in my hand sparks curiosity, it is the Holy Spirit leading their heart to inquire. How awesome that a person might come to Christ by using something as simple as a three-dimensional puzzle!?!

Does the Evangelism Cube Bring People to Christ?

Now, to be clear, it's not some sort of magic trick or fast pass that automatically inspires people to follow Jesus Christ. However, we receive many testimonials from people worldwide that have used the Evangelism cube as a tool for conversion.

The students in Bangladesh have found that people were interested in seeing how the Evangelism Cube worked, which has opened up doors to share about Jesus. One lady in the Bible School was about 40 years old, and she told us that now she has the tools to share Jesus with everyone. She was so excited!

"I was angry with my parents for making the invitation (to the missionaries). When the team came, I did not listen to their words. But, they continued to visit us regularly. I began to feel like some of the words they said made sense. The leader said Jesus loves us, and He accepted nails in His hands and a crown of thorns on His head for us. He told how Jesus suffered for us. The pictures on the Evangelism Cube became real to me. My heart broke, and I accepted Jesus as my Savior. "

This powerful conversion story happened with the aid of the Evangelism Cube. Of course, it didn't happen overnight, but with missionaries' persistence and love, this woman's heart was broken open to receiving Jesus.

At E3 Resources, We are a group of passionate Believers in Jesus Christ that have been creating products for Evangelism, Prayer, and Discipleship since 1999. We have multiple products to facilitate conversations to encourage discipleship in spreading the Word of God. See how our best resources are made for sharing the Gospel in every corner of the earth.