Summer Salvations in Uganda

The July summer heat of 2016 brought a small team from Colorado across the world, to two small towns in Uganda. There, they ministered to the people with a focus on evangelism in the prisons, hospitals, schools and universities. God opened doors and made a way for the team to minister to over 300 children at a youth festival. They also shared Jesus at a Pastor's conference, as well as visiting house to house in the village and marketplace! After the EvangeCube was presented, the team joyfully witnessed hundreds responding to the invitation to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Randy and his team have selflessly trained many others to use the Cube, which they refer to as “a wonderful tool.” They distributed them to those who commit to share the Gospel using the Evangecube in Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, India and Haiti, and have been doing so since 2009. What a blessing to see God on the move!