Sharing the Light of Christ Globally: A Letter from Severo Chavez

Dear Sirs’

I want to say thank you for such a wonderful tool to share the Lord Jesus Christ.  I have used it in several countries Mexico (prisons & Eye glass clinics and in Peru (in each country I have made over a dozen trips).  I have found it effective to reach a wide range of people.  From young (less than 10) to old folks (in their nineties).  In the Amazon jungle villages, and small and big cities.  Many of my trips have been with the medical missions organization called His Healing Hands (HHH) and with Mission Flight in Mexico.

I have taken a three fold step in evangelism on these trips.  Because evangelism is only (but, an important first step).  We work in the three person team.  A local church leader gets contact information, the evengecube is explained by a second team member and seeks a decision, the third member who is a leader in the local church, does the sinners prayer.  They become the connection to the local church and can start the long walk of discipleship.  This one-on-one process and in one day through this process we led 149 to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

My plans are to go to Tarapoto, Peru from September 29-October 8th this year.  To Help with medical & the eye glass clinic and to translate, but more importantly, to work in evangelism. 

HHH position is, even if they had medicines to heal anything/everything that the patient is still going to die.  We need to guide them to the Lord.

Again, I want to say thank you for such a useful tool to lead people to Christ. Over the years I have purchased over a dozen of the smaller cubes (3”), and a couple of the larger cubes.  My practice is to use them on the trip and then to give them away (bless those who helped).  Helping local church member to become more effective evangelist and to support them to continue the work the outreach ministries.


God, richly bless you,

Severo Chavez