The EvangeCube Changing Lives in Bangladesh

“We’ve heard many testimonies about how having the evangeCube has made sharing the Gospel so easy! The students in Bangladesh have found that people were interested in seeing how the evangeCube worked, which has opened up doors to share about Jesus. One lady in our Bible School was about 40 years old and she told us that now she has the tools to share Jesus with everyone. She was so excited!

You at e3 Resources really are helping to change the world one person at a time!”

My name is Shakeel. I am 28 years old. I used to drink a lot. Sometimes I would call people names. They would get mad and beat me many times. One Day, the Jesus Film team came to my village and presented the evangeCube. My parents went to the presentation and when they came back they told me the team was coming to our home for a prayer meeting. I was angry with my parents for making the invitation. When the team came, I did not listen to their words. But, the continued to visit us regularly. I began to feel like some of the words they said made sense. The leader said Jesus loves us and He accepted nails in His hands and a crown of thorns on His head for us. He told how Jesus suffered for us. The pictures on the evangeCube became real to me. My heart broke and I accepted Jesus as my Savior. I decided to quit drinking even though it was very difficult, I had the help of Jesus and my family, and the prayers of the team who shared with us.

Thanks for being a part of our ministry by giving us your personal attention and being available when we call.

From-Teresa R